

infantry n.步兵(部隊),步兵團
Afghanistan n.阿富汗
commendation n.表揚,稱讚,獎賞
army commendation medal軍隊表揚獎牌
Purple Heart紫心
The Purple Heart is a United States military decoration awarded in the name of the President to those wounded or killed, while serving, on or after April 5, 1917, with the U.S. military. 
midtown n.商業區和住宅區的中間地區
sop標準作業程序(standard operating procedure)
I've got to take off early.我要早點下班
deploy v.部署,使展開
She waited six years for him while he was deployed.他出征時她等了他六年
garble v.對…斷章取義,任意竄改,曲解
It's a bit garbled.有點被改過
decipher v.破解(密碼等),解釋(古代文字等),辨認(潦草的字跡等)
I've deciphered that text.
What I said about him being boring, I take it back.我剛說他很無聊,當我沒說
Please do not leave bags unattended.請看管好您的財物
lethal adj.致命的
lethal intent致命的意圖
make the cut不符合
warp v.變形,歪曲
Don't let your personal feelings warp your judgment.不要讓個人情感影響你的判斷
He's organized and ultra-cautious.他有條理又很小心
cabbie n.出租車司機
courier n.送遞急件(或外交信件)的信差
He made their courier.他是幫他們跑腿的人
run a check on查一下
medallion n.大獎章
Run a check on cab medallion number 5V80.查一下計程車車牌5V80
sergeant n.陸軍中士,海軍陸戰隊中士
master sergeant士官長
veteran n.老兵,【美】退役軍人,後備軍人
the gang's ringleader幫派的幕後主使人
That'll do for now.先這樣就可以了
a while back
IED簡易爆炸裝置(Improvised Explosive Device),土製炸彈,泛指任何利用現有或臨時製造的材料所製成之炸彈
He ran over an IED.他被土製炸彈炸傷
rest in peace願他安息
lump sum一次付的款項(a complete payment consisting of a single sum of money)
I need to put some distance between me and them.我想要離他們遠一點
shotgun n.獵槍,霰彈槍
submachine gun衝鋒槍
Four armed guys knocked over a bank.四名武裝人士襲擊了一家銀行
CSU鑒證科(Crime Scene Unit, a forensic in some police groups this refers to crime scene investigators who respond to a crime scene)
holster n.手槍皮套
milspec adj.軍用的,軍規的(A United States defense standard, often called a military standard, "MIL-STD", "MIL-SPEC", or (informally) "MilSpecs", is used to help achieve standardization objectives by the U.S. Department of Defense.)
milspec radio軍規無線電
He could be their inside man.他可能是他們的內應
pay off【口】(尤指冒風險的政策、做法等)帶來好結果, 成功, 行得通
Did his plan pay off?他的計劃成功了嗎?
The gamble paid off.賭贏了。
pay-as-you-go cell phone
Jarhead n.大兵(Jarhead is a nickname for members of the United States Marine Corps.)
gun for伺機傷害(to search for in order to reprimand, punish, or kill),找人麻煩(to try to hurt someone or damage their reputation)
Who's gunning for him?誰想害他?
reclusive adj.隱遁的,孤寂的,不食人間煙火的
a reclusive billionaire深居簡出的富豪
You better get back to your shift你最好回去上工吧
realtor n.房地產經紀人
pull v.【美】【口】幹(勾當)犯案(commit, perpetrate)
pull a robbery
pull a prank
They pulled a dozen of robberies.他們幹了十幾票搶案
jewelry store珠寶店
implode v.內爆,向內聚爆,向心壓擠
They usually implode after two months.他們通常兩個月後就會自己完蛋
falling out n.吵架(從此不會再連絡的那種)A fight leading to separation. This can occur in any relationship, including families and friendships. The separated parties generally pretend that those on the other side no longer exist.
They have a falling out with each other.他們吵架了
frequency-hopping spread spectrum跳頻展頻(Frequency-hopping spread spectrum, FHSS)是展頻技術的一種;經由載波快速在不同頻率中切換,並在接收與發射端使用一種偽隨機的過程。
interception n.攔截,偵聽,竊聽
CID刑事調查部United States Army Criminal Investigation Command, of which the operations division is commonly abbreviated to CID
army CID陸軍刑事調查科
fleapit n.破舊的戲院(a cheap or squalid theater; a shabby cinema or theatre; a dingy, dirty place, especially a run-down cinema; a dilapidated building usually housing a movie theater)
He's running a little low on funds.他最近手頭有點緊
rob someone blind 海削(To rob in an unusually deceitful or thorough way)Those politicians robbed the country blind.那些政客狂削國家的錢
It's not like the country owes you a living.不要好像國家欠你甚麼的
Guys like you got to adapt.像你們這種人要學著適應
jumpy adj.脾氣暴躁,緊張,易怒(nervous, high-strung, edgy)
divvy v.分攤,分配,瓜分
How do you divvy it up?你們要怎麼分?
casualty n.(軍隊的)傷亡人員,(事故,災難等的)死者,傷者
take casualties
en route【法】在途中
discharge v.排出(液體,氣體等),(軍隊)退役,釋放,解僱
He's discharged from the army five months ago.
infiltrate v.(思想、人員等)滲透,使(液體等)滲入
The guy infiltrates the gang.那傢伙混進了幫派
Keep the line open.保持線路暢通
artillery n.火砲,大砲
heavy artillery重砲
ETA預計到達時間(Estimated Time of Arrival)
ETD預計出發時間(Estimated Time of Departure)
to what end目的是甚麼for what purpose?what is the expected outcome
savings plan
go off the rails失控,脫序(to start behaving strangely or in a way that is not acceptable to society)
on patrol在巡邏中
took his place on patrol
LT中尉(abbreviation for Lieutenant)
put one on one's honor鄭重交付某人任務(to inform one that one is trusted to act honorably, legally, and fairly without supervision)
He put him on his honor to take care of her.他交代他要照顧她
lay something at one's feet把東西放在某人面前(to place something on the ground in front of someone);要某人負責(to hold someone responsible for something)
The cat came up to me and laid a mouse at my feet.
You are clearly to blame. I will put this matter at your feet. It is your fault.
I'm just in New York for a few days.我剛來紐約沒幾天
I wonder if he's ever going to let me in.
come to one's senses清醒(to begin thinking sensibly),認清自己在做傻事(to start to understand that you have been behaving in a stupid way)
He doesn't come to his senses.他還是不肯清醒
legible adj.(字跡等)清楚的,易讀的,易辨認的
bump off把人幹掉(to kill, especially a planned hit.)
Someone bumps them off.有人把他們殺了
semi-retired adj.半退休的
a semi-retired cop半退休的警察
conceal v.隱蔽,隱藏,隱瞞
exit n.出去,離去,退出,(演員的)退場
exit strategy退場機制
in hand在掌握中,在控制中
loose end n.沒處理好的後患(a minor unresolved problem or difficulty, especially a final detail preceding the completion of something);(a detail that is left unsettled, unexplained, or incomplete);(the last few details that need to be finished or explained in order for something to be complete) Often used in the plural.
No loose ends.不要留下麻煩
The team was cracking up.這隊快潰不成軍了
earwig n.偷聽者,奉承者
Hands in the air.把手舉高
pull the crap講廢話
Don't pull that crap again.不要再說那種廢話
firing pin撞針
He must have ground down the firing pins.
in plain sight在顯眼的地方
Hide in plain sight.
take one's chances賭運氣(do something risky with the hope of success)
I will take my chances.我就試試看
pay one's dues承擔責任,經歷生活中的苦楚
He paid his dues.他付出了代價

