
[影集] Undateable 不懂約會

1. Pilot
2. Pants Buddies
3. Three's a Crowd
4. The Switch
5. My Hero Is Me
6. Leader of the Pack
7. The Move
8. The Julius Effect
9. Low Hanging Fruit
10. Daddy Issues
12. Danny's Boys
13. Go for Gary

1. A Japanese Businessman Walks Into A Bar
2. Candace's Boyfriend Walks into a Bar
3. An Imaginary Torch Walks into a Bar
4. A Stray Dog Walks Into a Bar
5. A Priest Walks into a Bar
6. A Sibling Rivalry Walks into a Bar
7. A Live Show Walks Into a Bar, Part 1& 2
8. An Angry Judge Walks Into a Bar/ Cop Number Four Walks Into a Bar
9. An Angry Judge Walks Into a Bar
10. Cop Number Four Walks Into a Bar

1. A 'Will They' Walks into a Bar
2. A 'Will They' Walks into a Bar/A 'Won't They' Walks into a Bar
3. A Rock and a Hard Place Walk Into a Bar
4. A Truth Hug Walks Into a Bar
5. Halloween Walks Into a Bar
6. A Puppet Walks Into a Bar
7. An Origin Story Walks Into a Bar
8. A Bachelorette Party Walks Into a Bar
9. A Box of Puppies Walks Into a Bar
10. A New Year's Resolution Walks Into a Bar
11. Danny's Boyz Walk Into a Bar
12. The Backstreet Boys Walk Into a Bar: Part I

She's moving out.她要搬出去了
What we have is real.我們之間是認真的
See you around.再見
I swear, if you walk out that door, I will not take you back.我發誓你只要走出那扇門我就不會跟你復合了
do a cute honk
reverse out of the driveway倒出車道
I don't want to sound like mom.我不想聽起來像媽媽一樣
satisfy your own shallow desires滿足你膚淺的慾望
in your 20s你二十幾歲的時候
She's pushing 30.她快三十了
It's like herpes. It's for life.就像泡疹一樣
herpes n.皰疹
You have so much potential.你很有潛力的
She gave me some hookups to a guy who needs a room.她有給我那個想租房間的人的聯絡方式
He went to choral camp every summer as a kid.他小時候就參加合唱夏令營
He just cruised down on his bike.他只是順道過來
a major panty-dropper
panty dropper n.帥到能讓女人馬上脫褲子的男人A guy who is so good looking, or has so much money, or some other such quality, that women will drop their panties at the sight of him.
I wasn't planning on seeing your penis on the first day.我沒料到第一天就看到你的小弟弟
All I can get out was ...我能說出的話只有...
It's a bummer.
bummer n.令人失望[煩惱]的情形a situation that is disappointing or annoying

It was a real bummer being ill on holiday .   在假期生病真掃興。
stud muffin n.把妹高手Guy that gets the ladies easy

whenever you want to hook up with a dude.
hook up with ... 跟…結交to meet someone and become friendly with them 
He just came out a few weeks ago and I am just so proud of him.他幾個星期前出櫃了而我為他感到驕傲
Get off your butt and start working right now.移開你的屁股開始工作了
Don't bother, I know lots of guys like you.別浪費時間了我認識很多像你這樣的人
He's like a cocky, player type.
cocky adj.驕傲的,太過自信的
I always end up with those guys.我最後總是會愛上這種男人
I mean, I wish I could fall for a classy guy.我是說我也希望能遇到一個有品的男生
classy adj.很棒的,絕佳的
uterus n.子宮
You and she are kind of like ... 你跟她有一點...
They're not like, together.他們不算真正在一起
He's still kind of waiting to make his move.他有點是在等時機出手
It just needs to be the right moment.只是要在對的時機
It's not like I'm up thinking about it all the time, you know?我又不是整天都在想這件事
womb n.子宮
sexual Juggernaut n.性愛大神
I had many teachers to mode the person you see standing here before you.在這之前我經歷過許多人教我才讓我成為今天這樣的
Are you aware of how douchey you sound?你聽見自己講的話有多混球嗎?
douche n.白癡a word to describe an individual who has shown themselves to be very brainless in one way or another, thus comparing them to the cleansing product for vagina
Words cannot express how strongly I disagree with that statement.言語無法表示我有多反對這句話
Your face is an eight, but your body's a ten.你的臉蛋是八分 身材是十分
muchacho (MOO'-cha-cho) n.調皮的男生A Spanish word, largely used by Mexicans/Chicanos and Latinos, meaning - roughly - a mischievious young person (male). Muchacha (feminine).
I almost bitch-slapped him.我差點賞他一巴掌
bitch slap v. To open handedley slap someone. Denote disrespect for the person being bitch slapped as they are not worthy of a man sized punch. Suggests the slap was met with little resistance and much whining
Can't make that happen.沒辦法
adventurous like a pirate, or a cat burglar
Did you guy
This so much worse than I thought.這比我想的還要糟糕
She's a wine rep.她是酒商代理
We're up for going some party with a bunch of strangers.我們準備好要去陌生人的派對了
I'm gonna ignore how surprised you are and say thank you.
I'm thinking it's time to get back in the game.我想現在該重回戰場了
Anybody catch your eye yet?有人吸引你嗎?
you know who's like, really good-looking is that guy who looks like a more soulful Keanu Reeves.
soulful adj.充滿精神的,熱情的
I'm looking in a mirror.我看的是我自己
win the friend over first先贏得朋友的喜歡
I was just over there.我剛才在那邊
I noticed that you were absolutely glowing.我發現你真是光彩煥發
I was wonder when your baby might be due.我在想不知道你小孩甚麼時候出生
Fallopian tube n. 輸卵管one of the two tubes in a female through which eggs move to the UTERUS
that hot piece of dude帥哥
you come on way too strong
Are you just getting home now from last night?你從昨天晚上到現在才回來嗎?
If I say yes, do you promise not to make a big deal out of it?如果我說是的話,你答應我不會小題大作嗎?
This is very tense.現在氣氛很緊張
We were already in our underwear.我們已經只剩內褲了
You ever try and squash your nuts together so a bunch of guys can stare at them?你有試過把你的蛋蛋擠在一起好讓人看嗎?
I am 30-something-year-old desperate woman.我已經是三十幾歲的饑渴女人了
You seemed sad and buzzy and he didn't want to take advantage of that.你看起來很難過又喝醉了,他不想佔你便宜
buzzy adj.喝茫了
Is anyone gonna want me again?還會有人要我嗎?
How dare you not bang his sister!你怎麼可以不上他姐!
Why do you guys look so bummed?你們怎麼看起來這麼難過?
bummed adj.沮喪的to be rather depressed about a certain issue or problem
Kevin was rather bummed about how his relationship finished with Jenny.
How does that even come up?怎麼會講到這個?
I gave him a number that was very close to my own actual number.我給了他一個跟我實際電話號碼很接近的號碼
We've all been stuck in a rut lately.我們最近都在原地不動
stuck in a rut情況持續沒進展remaining in the same negative situation in life

He's bored at his job, owes lots of money, and his girlfriend isn't talking to him. He is stuck in a rut.
We're grateful to him.我們很感謝他
Did you just come here to brag?你是來炫耀的嗎?
You've done more for me in two days than anyone has done for me in my entire life.你兩天內為我做的事比這輩子別人為我做的還多
It's like a thing I do.這是我會做的事

What should we do for our anniversary?我們周年慶要幹甚麼?
Why does this always happen to us?為什麼我們常常這樣?
Harlem shake哈林搖
是一首由美國DJ Baauer創作及錄製的一首歌曲,由唱片公司Jeffree's與Mad Decent於2012年5月22日透過數位下載形式發行。在中國大陸地區又稱為「哈萊姆搖擺舞」,或因動作關係而得名的「屌絲舞」。這首歌曲除了有機械貝斯的合成樂聲以及電子舞曲的節奏,還將美國饒舌樂團Plastic Little於2001發行的歌曲《Miller Time》中的其中一段歌詞「do the Harlem shake」放進這首歌裡,其中的「哈林搖」名稱源自於紐約哈林區的一位居民發明的舞蹈哈林搖。Baauer還在歌曲裡加了許多獨特的聲音使得歌曲顯得特別獨特,如一個尖叫的聲音喊著「Con los terroristas!」(西班牙語指「與恐怖份子為伍!」)及一些獅子的吼叫聲等。
這裡有更多影片可以幫助你了解甚麼是Harlem shake

Once you say something on TV, it's true.你在電視上說甚麼就是甚麼了
So, for this to work, there's got to be some rules, OK?要讓這順利,就有些規則要遵守,可以嗎?
It's your average brew and stew.
Does that mean something different here?有其他的涵義嗎?
This is the worst possible scenario.這是最爛的情況
play it cool淡定一點
I should have mentioned this.我之前就該告訴你了
Personal boundaries is somewhat of a monster issue for me.
This is exactly the touchy-feely stuff.
touchy-feely adj.毛手毛腳的When someone is all over you, touching and feeling.
Has your brother always been this closed off?這麼封閉嗎?
closed off adj.封閉的
We'll just crisscross.交叉
You just sprinted out of your office.你剛才衝出你的辦公室
sprint v.奮力跑,衝刺
It just autocorrected.手機的自動校正功能
He's got the broad shoulders, super handsome, like the kind of guy I'd let build me a log cabin just so we could ruin a bear rug together.
beer distributor啤酒經銷商
bloke n.小子
Bloke is simply a British slang term for 'man/guy', with perhaps slight connotations of masculinity, and used only in an informal setting. Unlike 'guy' it is not normally used vocatively, as in 'hey you blokes'.

'I met this bloke in town who told me to stop wasting my time on the internet...'
Everytime I give you an amazing idea on how to close the deal with a guy, you shoot it down like skeet.
skeet n.飛靶射擊(投擲泥盤於空中練習射擊)
swoop in
Seems less rude now.現在不覺得有不好意思了
Ever since ... 從...以來

I've known him ever since he was a boy.從他孩提時代起, 我就已認識他。
take leaps跨一大步,行動
a bar he can barely keep afloat一間勉強維持的酒吧
afloat adj.免於經濟困難(或負債)的
He kept the business afloat .他勉強讓生意維持下去。
doing some tubing and whatnot
whatnot n.諸如此類的東西used to not give the names of everything

Put your pot, the corpse and whatnot in the back of the car.
You're never gonna be the man I want you to be.你不會是我要的男人
I knew it was a lie the second it came out of my mouth.我一說出口就知道那不是真的
Don't sweat it.別擔心something that you say in order to tell someone not to worry. It means "Don't worry about it", or sometimes "Take it easy".

Don't sweat it! We've got plenty of time to get there before the show starts.
You know that like 90% of our conversations start that same way.
He was just reaching out to you and you totally blew him off.他想要對你敞開心房你卻將他拒於門外
He's a little too much of an emo sensitive type for me.他有一點太感情用事了
a giant wuss
wuss n.軟弱的人A person who is physically weak and ineffectual. Often a male person with low courage factor.
I really thought that you would outgrow this.我真的以為你長大就不會再這樣了
outgrow v.長大成熟而不再
He has outgrown his credulity.他已長大成熟而不再輕信。
I would pay to watch this forever.我願意付錢這樣一直看下去
I know it's not gonna be overnight.我知道這不可能馬上成功
You put the idea of a movie in my head, so I was gonna go catch a late show.你說的讓我有點想看電影
Thanks for listening to me drone on.
drone on很無聊地長篇大論to talk for a long time in a boring way

He was droning on (and on) about his operation.
I wanted to see if it worked on gay dudes.我想看看這對同性戀有沒有用
But just there, I was like, "What's this guy's story?"可是剛才有瞬間我在想,他的故事是怎樣呢?

airtight adj.無懈可擊的
Why can't anybody just be interested in me for me?為什麼不能有人純粹就是欣賞我本人呢?
Are you flexing?
Cheerio, mate.
Stop being so obnoxious around women.
You're gonna be stuck in the friend zone with her.你就要被卡在朋友圈了
I look awesome with the wind in my hair.風吹起我頭髮的時候我看起來超帥
The adrenaline's pumping too hard.
Adrenaline腎上腺素When you get adrenaline from anger, fear, or sorrow you get energized, blood rushes through you and your heart beats faster. Useful for fights, as when you have an adrenaline rush you hardly feel punches and your blows will hit much harder.

He started pushing me and shoving me, and I got adrenaline stacked up. The rage and adrenaline led me to beating his ass, and I'm lighter and smaller than he is.
He lean back into me.他往後靠向我
She's a beautiful lady with an ample bosom.
ample adj.豐富的
trash talk him說他壞話
It stings.很痛耶
There's a guy I'm friends with and I've been thinking about how I kind of want it to be more than that.
call dibs on her先說要她了an expression used to claim rights/possession on sth./sb.
A group of (male) friends is at a party to check out some girls. Whoever spots a pretty girl first can "call dibs" on her. That way he can make sure none of his buddies would make a movie on her.
I can't ignore him. That'll just make him want me more.我不能忽視他這樣只會讓他更想要我
That's how boys work.男生就是這樣
Don't you dare toss that to me.不准你把那個丟過來
That man is in heat.那個男的慾火焚身
You don't want a relationship. You just want a hookup.你並不要認真的感情,你只是想玩玩
I'm getting a little off-track.我有點離題了
I tweaked my neck.我扭到脖子了
It feels more like a deep stabbing in my back.感覺起來就像在我背後刺一刀
That was a nonconsensual kiss.那不是我願意的吻
consensual adj.
What do you think you just heard?你到底以為自己聽到甚麼了?
Would you give me a ride home?你可以載我回家嗎?
How long has he been like this?他這樣多久了?
How else would you know he's a gay?不然你從哪知道他是gay的?
The second I realized that you were into him, I backed off.我一知道你喜歡他,我就收手了
That is textbook bros before hoes.這就是典型的不見色忘友啊
bros before hoes兄弟比女人重要The unwritten law that your bros (male friends) should always become before hoes (female with whom you are/hoping to have a relationship with). Most used as a trump card by your bros when they feel you are becoming whipped or that your hoe is a slut and a bitch.
They come from the same fiery Sicilian bloodline.
de niro
I'm gonna stay for a drink.我要留下來喝一杯
There's a negative energy in here that I can't quite put my finger on.
I have a code. She ran afoul of it.她衝撞了我的原則
afoul of ... 和...發生衝突
I'm gonna crap on you.我要來說你壞話
Make me a stiff drink.幫我來杯烈酒
You brought it on yourself.這是你自找的
You keep the shock out of this or I'll straight up murder you.你不准一起攪和,不然我就殺了你
It's a place where you got a better chance of getting shot than you do finding a streetlight that works.這地方你中槍的機率比找到正常運作的路燈還要高
cool headset不錯的耳機
That thing comes in handy when you call those 24-hour sex chats.這東西在你要打色情電話的時候很好用吧
I'm trying to help you and him patch things up.我正在幫你和她重修舊好
Hang it on the ceiling with a rope-and-pulley system.把它掛在天花板上用滑輪吊著
Great opener.這開場白真棒
What I mean is,我的意思是
The girl wants to roll around in the hay with some party boy.那女生想找個花花公子一起玩樂
I want to be with somebody that actually knows me and will listen to me and 

You're the first person I want to see when I wake up in the morning and the last person I want to talk to when I go to bed.你是我早上醒來第一個想見到的人也是我晚上睡覺前最後一個想說話的人

the past few days have been amazing
the pasty-white sex
do some foreplay
French tickler
I did my senior thesis on Victor Hugo.
a family feud
Are you suggesting that she's out of my league?
I totally messed up the emphasis on that sentence.
You think that you can give me advice?

by the way, I didn't even know that coffee places were open at midnight.
the laundromat
that is so clutch.
I even texted her.
We're gonna hang out soon, when his life calms down.
That's reciprocated love.
I've come up with a few ideas.
in a heartbeat
I wouldn't even care if he went periscope up.
It's a boner.
you're fun. but when it comes to actually dating somebody
You guys are trying to stick up for your friend.
I find that oddly sweet.
I don't trade dates for free booze.
It rhymes with "Bristol neth."
I'm not a big fan of lying.
I'm gonna take off.
Those scars don't heal.
I immediately regret it.
a double-decker bus
who was responsible for this blatant disrespect?
I just did one spritz.
You're spitting all over me.
You already forgot what my face even looked like.
he has completely unearned confidence
You've got to hold on to that delusion.
there's one move taht I've used my entire life.
I had her lie to get you here.
I know that the other night was just a booty call for you.
I think we had a connection.
We hung out once and you never talked to me again.
How does Thursday night sound?
at brookstone
street thugs
animatronic men

well played

