
Bad Teacher壞老師

1. Pilot
2. Daddy Issues
3. Evaluation Day
5. The 6th Grade Lock-In
6. Yearbook
7. Divorced Dudes
8. Nix the Fat Week
9. Life Science
10. Found Money
11. A Little Respect
12. The Bottle
13. What's Old Is New

Thank you for coming in.謝謝你過來

Anyway, let's just cut to the chase.我們直接講重點吧
cut to the chase 直接講重點 to talk about or deal with the important parts of a subject and not waste time with things that are not important
What's my divorce settlement?我的離婚協議談得怎樣?
You signed a prenuptial agreement.你簽了婚前協議書
nuptial adj. 婚姻的,結婚的;婚禮的
prenuptial adj. 婚前的
a semi-private bathroom半套的浴室
That's what child molesters say.聽起來像是兒童猥褻犯說的話
molester n.性騷擾者,猥褻者
Don't flatter yourself.你少臭美了
She was dating him, but he broke up with her. So to get back at him, she ... 她跟他約會但後來他卻甩了她所以為了要報復他
It's so gross. 好噁心
in luxury vehicles 在豪車裡
cheat off 抄襲 to copy the work of another in order to earn a passing grade
I did not see that coming at all.我沒料到會這樣
I just try to throw myself into my work.我只好埋首於工作
I want you on my team我要你成為我的一員
My Spanish is pretty rusty.我西班牙文說得不好
rusty adj. 生鏽的(腦子等)變遲鈍的(知識、能力等)荒廢的,荒疏的
This weekend was so dark for me.這周對我而言很黑暗
There is a fight by the lockers.置物櫃那裏有人打架
We're about to start our staff meetingso settle.我們要開員工會議囉所以坐好吧
There's a small stipend.有一點點津貼
stipend n.津貼薪餉
He's in a grunge band.他在一個三流樂團
grunge n.【口】骯髒蹩腳貨(九十年代早期流行的彈奏電子吉他發出的)嘈雜音樂
Great 411 in there.裡面有很棒的資訊
411 n.資訊 That's the number in the US to call for information regarding a number you want to find out. People have just started using this as a shortcut to ask for information.
Give me the 411 on Sarah and David.

I want all the 411 on your night out!
No horseplay.禁止嬉鬧
horseplay n. Noisy behavior in which older children play by pushing or hitting each other for fun 【過時】〔青少年之間的〕嬉戲﹐打鬧
No chicken fights.禁止玩騎馬打仗
wait up等等
It sort of tells me everything I need to know.這差不多已經讓我知道我該知道的事了
Thank you for teaming up with me.謝謝妳幫我
slicker n.防水衣雨衣,警示服
tuck it in別那麼飢渴
A phrase originating in northern MA which if used literally is to tell someone to tuck their penis into their pants. It is more commonly used to tell someone to cool down or to stop trying to get with a girl who is clearly not interested.
Guy 1 (to a hot girl): "Hey, wanna come over to my place later?" 

Guy 2: "Yo dude, tuck it in."
You can give me the cash equivalent.你可以折現給我
They usually form packs together.集結小圈圈
up top擊掌
Class dues are $25. 班費25元
due n. 應付款稅金(常作複數)

I've already paid my membership dues.我已經交了我的會員費。
Checks can be written out to cash.可以開支票兌現
I know and I'm also really photogenic.很上相
photogenic adj. 很上鏡頭的
check out the nerds看看那些呆頭鵝
nerd n. 討厭的人笨蛋
Apparently you can only join if you're very rich.顯然要很有錢才能參加
You gotta fight fire with fire.以其人之道還治其人啊
guest speakers發言嘉賓
any adult male is eligible
eligible adj. 有資格當選的法律上合格的合適的,合意的
served time 坐牢蹲監
a white-collar crime 菁英犯罪
white-collar adj. 白領階級的腦力勞動的
bidet n. 坐浴盆(阿拉伯國家境內的廁所馬桶旁邊都會有個坐浴盆)
snitch n. someone who is disliked because he or she tells a parent or teacher about something wrong that another person has done〔向家長或老師告密的〕告密者
pass it on 傳下去
now scat 現在解散
scat v. 趕快走開
Career Day is my thing. I do it every year.
ferret n. 雪貂
I would reconsider reconsidering.我會再考慮仔細一點
I already printed the flyers.我已經印好傳單了
She's gunning for you.她跟你槓上了
It's a free country. She can do whatever she pleases.
vehicular squatting 非法佔用車輛
vehicular adj. 交通工具的車輛的
squat v. 蹲,蹲踞,蹲下【美】擅自佔地 

In short, never text naked pictures. 簡言之不要傳自己的裸照給任何人
You just got a free pass to miss anything you want.你拿到了可以逃掉任何事的通行證
All you have to say is the word "cramps." 你只要說"經痛"就行了
menopause n. 更年期
eHarmony is an online dating website designed specifically to match single men and women with each other for long-term relationships. To optimize the matching process, eHarmony operates eHarmony Labs, a relationship research facility, and publishes eHarmony Advice, a relationship advice site. eHarmony, which was launched on August 22, 2000, is based in Santa Monica, California; it has members in more than 150 countries and maintains operations in the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Brazil. The company is privately held.
be right back 馬上回來
hold on 等一下
elliptical adj. 橢圓的
worshiper n. 崇拜者
Someone needs to take a chillaxative.
chillaxative n.
Metaphorically speaking, a "drug" a person will tell another to take when their level of stress or aggression reaches profound heights in which it is now useless to merely tell them to "chillax".
"It's no big deal, dude... Your girl came onto me, but I didn't put it all the way in, so just take a chillaxative!"

Words related to chillaxative
chillax/chill/relax/chillaxing/chilling/relaxing/chill out/chillin/calm down/calm/chillaxed/cool/hang/hanging out/hang out/rest/chilax/chillaxin/take it easy/relaxed

It's my thing, and you've totally took it over.
surfacey advice 膚淺的建議
He operates on hearts.他幫人做心臟手術

tax bracket 納稅等級
bracket n. income/tax/age etc bracket -an income etc that is inside a particular range 收入等級/納稅等級/年齡組別等

They say the darnedest things. 他們總挑最可惡的事來說
darnedest— used as a more polite form of damnedest
It was the darnedest thing I ever saw.

Kids do and say the darnedest things.

Why did you drag me down here?幹嘛把我拖到這?
a fraud騙子
I just got off the phone with them.我剛跟他們通完電話
a restraining order 禁制令
I had a stalker. 我有個跟蹤狂
My beauty, smarts and bikini-ready body made me an easy target.
Once he went to bed with me. he couldn't imagine a life without me.在他和我上床後就無法想像沒有我的日子
That is poppycock.那根本是胡說八道
poppycock n. British term for bullshit

Take a step outside the city 
And turn around 
Take a look at what you are 
It is revolting 
You're really nowhere 
So wasteful 
So foolish 
-Nirvana, "Turnaround"

It was a very dark time in my life.那是我人生的黑暗時期
a stalker accusation made against him有人控訴他是跟蹤狂
Enough damage has been done in front of the parents.在家長面前鬧夠了吧
for a little hair-letting-down session輕鬆一下
Are you going on a date with him?你要跟他約會嗎?
Done signing autographs?簽完名了嗎?
What are you up to this weekend?這周末有甚麼計畫嗎?
It's more like a beach resort.它比較像是海邊渡假村
real estate developers房地產開發商
Isn't the parent-teacher thing against the rules?教師和家長不會違反規定嗎?
She can cover for me.她可以幫我代課
I'll see you out front.我在門口等你
It's a nerd-free zone.這裡禁止呆子
There was no signage.沒有招牌
I'd say your body is ruined but it couldn't get any worse.
I was blessed with a perfect rack and great face, but that doesn't mean that I don't know how you guys are feeling.
rack n. 胸部set of breasts
She has a nice rack.
allegedly adv. 據傳說據宣稱
I don't belong here.我不屬於這裡
I mean, I'm way too hot to be here.我是說我太辣根本就不適合在這地方
If you're feeling insecure on the insideyou need to show confidence on the outside.你內心越沒安全感你就更要表現出自信
You gotta fake it till you make it.沒成功之前也要裝個樣子出來
tush out 翹起屁股
tush n. the part of your body that you sit on; bottom【美俚】屁股
There are no assigned seats.位子不是固定的
Porsche 保時捷
They know they were wrong about me.他們知道以前錯看我了
deodorant n. 除臭劑
either way 無論如何
We should hang out sometime.我們應該找時間聚聚
We all do things we never thought we'd do.人都會做些自己想不到的事
This never happened.這件事當沒發生過

I think that's too childish.我覺得那太幼稚了
try Internet dating試試看網路約會
they match her up with 
hook her up with a guy 
disregard the lollipop 
it's an oral fixation.
Oral fixation may refer to:
In psychology:
Oral stage, a term used by Sigmund Freud to describe the child's development during the first 18 months of life, in which an infant's pleasure centers are in the mouth.

I was under the impression that you were a student.我以為你是學生
just a heads-up, 只是提醒一下
tootsie pop 棒棒糖
I'll just keep my fingers crossed.
superintendent n. 監督人,監管者
I've been too nervous to pull the trigger on Internet dating.
pull the trigger
tagline 口號
jumper cables 電線
a student teacher 實習老師
a hoarder 貯藏者囤積者
What is the greatest thing that you could ever possibly imagine happening in your whole life and then times it by three?你能想到你人生中發生最美好的事情是甚麼?
It's a formality thing.只是走走流程罷了
pending my availability看我有沒有空
teach me some self-defense moves just in case教我幾招防身術以防萬一
You just gotta stay alert and be aware of your surroundings.妳只要保持警覺性然後注意周遭環境
on second thought
Maybe I'll tag along just to be extra safe.也許我跟在後面會保險一點
It's a fixable problem.這是可以解決的問題
It might be a good idea to promote her from sixth grade to seventh.把她從六年級跳級升成七年級是個好主意
It doesn't happen that often.這種情況並不常見
Can you think for one second how fun it would be for us?
You'll respect my decision even if you don't like it.即使你不喜歡也會尊重我的決定
self-centered adj. 自我中心的
He's like 30 minutes late.他遲到了大概快30分鐘了
flat out betrayed
flat out 直接明白地擺明地 clearly and definitely without confusion; holding nothing back 
If someone says something flat out, they say it in a very clear and direct way, even if it might upset people.
The history books would disagree with you on that.
You've left me no choice.你讓我沒得選擇
dead sure 超確定
Spanx 塑身衣
It ended up being pretty fun.結果最後還是很好玩
moped n. 助動車機器腳踏車
This job is thankless.這份工作吃力不討好
thankless adj. 徒勞無功的吃力不討好的
Good luck with the test on Friday.星期五考試順利
I'm thrilled that you called.我很高興你來電
I would want to keep you all to myself.我想要把你獨自佔有
trim your sideburns修我的鬢角
That's would be a big hassle.事情太多
I'm just hanging with him.我只是跟他聚聚
She really put things in perspective.
boobs 胸部
pays off 值得
They got in a fender bender on the way to the concert.
I didn't get stood up again.
spinal curvature 脊椎側彎
We would be fierce lovers.
I think it would be a mistake to ruin it.如果毀掉它就錯了
I have a very strict don't-poop-where-you-eat policy.我有不吃窩邊草的原則
We're gonna get through this.我們可以一起度過
When all is said and done, I'm glad it's you.

you're an amazing leader.
I appreciate your dedication and I hope I can be just like you when I get out of school.

Learn from me. 學著點
It is going so well. 事情很順利
We're going away for the weekend, staying at a five-star resort on the water.
nick you some soap
recital n. 演奏會
He buys her things instead of showing up.他沒出現就送禮物代替
She barely sees him as it is. 她很少見到他
He got stuck on a business trip. 
We rescheduled the date. 我們重新定了約會
We gotta head to the hotel. 我們要前往飯店
Traffic's gonna be bad. 交通會很塞
I don't want to miss the couples massage that I booked. 我不想錯過我訂好的雙人按摩
ten-course tasting menu 十道料理
所謂tasting menu就是主廚每樣拿手菜都上一小點,至少都7-8道菜起跳,菜單的價位寫的是單人價
It's PETA-friendly but barely.
How many carats were the earrings? 耳環是幾克拉的?
You've been practicing like crazy for this recital. 妳一直為了這個演奏會瘋狂地練習
I thought we had a connection. 我以為我們有共同點
You're starting to sound an awful lot like my ex. 你現在說話開始跟我的前任超像
don't scratch it
shake down 色誘
artistic endeavors

